Teach your website how to fix its broken links

Embed a snippet of JavaScript in your 404 template that suggests alternative URLs for your users.

How it works

During the registration process, you'll be asked to provide a link to a web page for a website that you would like us to monitor. Our bot will then crawl your site and create an index of URLs. That index will be used to suggest alternatives, treating the URLs that it knows about as a reference for suggestions for your users later.

On your side, you'll need to configure your system to allow our bot through the firewall. You'll also need to embed our JavaScript widget into your 404 template. This connects to our API and sends back HTML or JSON that you can embed or post-process.

You can also use our service to maintain a check on the health of your Internet properties. We'll be happy to provide you with a report of pages that are mis-behaving.


We’re expecting to charge USD $12/year/site. It’s important to note though that this hasn’t been finalized.